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It’s no news that Ukraine and Russia are at war, and Israel and Hamas are at war. It may be news to some that in Ukraine over 9.6 thousand civilians and over 61,000 soldiers have died since the start of the war (OHCHR). 300,000 Russian soldiers have been killed or seriously wounded. Over 28,000 people have died in the Israel – Hamas war. Besides death, countless people have been maimed for life and thousands of refugees have fled their homes, many of which have been destroyed. So much pain and loss in these two wars alone. Throughout history war has raged and ravaged lives, broken up families causing misery and suffering. Below is a lament for war and a prayer from the Book of Common Prayer.

O Lord, God of our salvation, as we cry out before you today about the injustice, pain and sorrow in our world. We think of those impacted by war and terror. We know that each person and every child is precious to you, yet we see fear, suffering seemingly without end. You Lord are the great provider, you see the needs of those impacted by war and you love them and weep with them. Comfort them Lord as they struggle and nourish their souls with renewed hope each morning. Guide those who seek refuge to places where they can find help and rest, and move the hearts of nations to welcome them. Help your people Lord to find community and sustaining joy in places of refuge or exile. Lord you promise a time where there will be no more war, no fear, or pain, or sorrow, or suffering. Build your kingdom here, come Lord Jesus.

We pray for peace in our world: that all people may live free from violence, in safety and security, and with hope for the future. We pray for all people who are working to build peace in their communities: that they may inspire others by their example and be strengthened to carry on, even in the hardest times. We pray for families impacted by war; for those living in fear, for those indelibly touched by tragedy, for those who mourn; We pray for boys and girls whose childhood has been stolen in the cause of war, bring restoration, healing, family, love. We pray for those fleeing war and persecution, those seeking refuge and those seeking a fresh start in a land not their own.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. Matthew 5:9


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