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The roots of anger are many. Frustration and a feeling of powerlessness. Threats to self-esteem or identity. Unmet needs. Stress and feeling overwhelmed. Past trauma and unresolved issues. Sometimes it is a result of biological factors or is a learned behavior from childhood. Whatever its cause, it does harm to physical health and important relationships. For that, we lament.

Lament for the Angry

O Lord, hear my cry,
for the world is ablaze with anger.
From the streets filled with shouts of rage,
to homes where bitterness takes root,
anger spreads like a wildfire,
consuming hearts and minds.

Why, O Lord, is fury our companion?
Why do tempers flare and words wound?
Injustice and pain ignite the soul,
filling us with wrath and resentment.
We lash out, hurt others,
and in turn, hurt ourselves.

Merciful Father, we are trapped in this cycle,
our spirits darkened by unforgiveness.
We seek peace but are driven by conflict,
we yearn for love but are caught in hate.
Our anger isolates us,
estranges us from Your grace.

Jesus, You walked among us,
bringing peace to the troubled,
healing the wounds of the broken-hearted.
In Your presence, storms were calmed,
demons were cast out,
and forgiveness flowed like a river.

Teach us, O Gentle Shepherd,
to find solace in Your embrace.
Turn our hearts from anger to compassion,
from rage to understanding.
Help us to forgive those who wrong us,
as You forgave from the cross.

Fill us with Your Spirit,
that we may bear the fruits of peace.
Grant us patience in adversity,
kindness in response to cruelty,
and love that overcomes all hatred.

May Your light dispel the shadows within,
guiding us to walk in Your ways.
Transform our anger into a force for good,
a drive to pursue justice with mercy,
to seek reconciliation over revenge.

O Lord, we surrender our anger to You,
knowing You alone can heal our hearts.
May Your peace, which surpasses all understanding,
guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.



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