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Yesterday Mexico celebrated the birth of their most respected and beloved president, Benito Juarez. He was resident at the same time as Abraham Lincoln was president in the U.S. Both presidents fought for basic human rights. Abraham Lincoln fought to end slavery. Benito Juarez fought for the rights of the poor who were being oppressed by the government, rich landowners, and the Catholic Church. Today I offer a lament for all those who live in countries that are being denied their basic human rights.

In the shadows of tyranny, where basic human rights are denied,
Millions suffer silently, their voices unheard, their dreams pushed to the side.
As chains of oppression tighten, hope flickers like a dying flame,
In lands where justice is but a distant, forgotten name.

Benito Juarez once said, “Respect for the rights of others means peace.”
Yet in these lands, peace is but a fleeting illusion, a mirage in the desert of despair.
Abraham Lincoln echoed, “Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves.”
But the rulers turn a blind eye, deaf to the cries of the oppressed, consumed by greed and power.

In lamenting this oppression, let us remember the words of Isaiah 1:17:
“Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.”

May these words kindle a fire of courage and compassion,
To stand with the downtrodden, to fight for justice and freedom,
Until every heart beats with dignity, and every soul soars in liberty’s embrace.

Today is International Day of the Woman. This lament and prayer is from the Salvation Army website and is for all women who have suffered in the past or are presently experiencing injustice and oppression.

This Franciscan prayer was originally written for International Women’s Day, and brings before God a lament for the plight of women in abuse, poverty and violence; forgiveness for our own discrimination, and hope for transformation through God.

Lord, make me an instrument of peace:

Bless all women who daily strive to bring peace to their communities, their homes and their hearts. Give them strength to continue to turn swords into ploughshares.

Where there is hatred, let me sow love:

 We pray for all women who face prejudice, inequality and gender disparities. Help us see and to face the discrimination against women in all the many forms it may take.

Where there is injury, pardon:

Comfort all women who suffer from the pain of war, violence, and abuse. Help them to become instruments of their own reconciliation and peace.

Where there is division, unity:

 Forgive all women and men who let differences breed hate and discrimination. Let your example of valuing all of creation help us to see that we are equal partners in the stewardship of your world.

Where there is darkness, light; where there is untruth, truth:

 Comfort all women who struggle in the darkness of abuse, poverty, and loneliness. May we stand with them in light to acknowledge their suffering and strive to remove the burdens of shame or embarrassment.

Where there is doubt, true faith:

 We pray for all women who live in fear of their husbands, fathers, and forces that control their lives. Help them to be empowered to be their true selves through your everlasting love and faith.

Where there is despair, hope:

 We pray for all women who live in the despair of poverty, violence, trafficking, slavery and abuse. May the light of your love bring them hope.

Where there is sadness, new joy:

 Help us to see the strength and goodness in all women and men. Transform our hearts to celebrate the love and grace of all people.


Oh Lord, my soul cries out for the injustice that scars our world, A mournful song echoing the cries of those whose stories often go untold. In the corners of society where oppression takes its hold, We lift our voices in anguish, longing for a justice manifold.

Lord, in the face of systemic wrongs and blatant disregard, We grieve for those whose lives are marred. The oppressed, the marginalized, their voices suppressed, In the labyrinth of injustice, may Your light manifest.

As tears fall like rain for those denied their rights, For the ones overlooked, trapped in societal fights. In the courtrooms of indifference, where fairness is denied, Grant us the courage to stand, to speak, to abide.

In this lament, we confront the harsh reality, Of a world where prejudice distorts morality. Racial divides, economic disparities stark, In the lament’s cadence, we embark.

Proverbs 31:8-9 (NIV)

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.”

May our actions reflect Your call to defend, The rights of the oppressed until injustice meets its end. In this lament, may we find the strength to pursue, A world transformed by Your justice, bright and true.


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