Today is Memorial day. It is a federal holiday that honors and mourns the U.S. Military personnel who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. It is a day to celebrate America’s fallen heroes and to lament their loss.

Memorial Day Lament

O, valiant souls who stood to defend our land,

With hearts of courage, you took your stand.

From fields of verdant green to deserts bare,

You marched into battles, facing deaths stare.

Silent now are the drums that beat your path,

Echoes of valor swallowed by war’s wrath.

Your laughter, your dreams, now memories past,

In the annals of time, your legacy will last.

Gone are the days you looked upon the dawn,

The mornings of promise where hopes were drawn.

Your sacrifice, a testament to love so grand,

For the country, for freedom, you made your last stand.

We grieve for the moments stolen away,

The future you forfeited for our today.

Families weep, hearts heavy with sorrow,

In the void of your absence, seeking a brighter morrow.

O, brave defenders, rest now in peace,

From your mortal struggles, you find release.

In the quiet of the night, under the stars’ gaze,

We remember your courage, going into the fray.

May your spirits soar where pain cannot reach,

In fields of eternity, where God’s love does preach.

We honor your name, with tears and with pride,

For you are the heroes, forever our guide.

In the silence of our hearts, we whisper your name,

With gratitude profound, never to wane.

Though wars may cease and battles may end,

Your sacrifice and bravery, we will forever commend.